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Wind Energy Periodicals
AWEA Wind Energy Weekly
AWEA's newsletter
Conservation Update
Highlights the energy efficiency and renewable energy activities of states
EERE Network News
Weekly DOE newsletter features the latest news, events, facts, tips, and Web
sites concerning energy efficiency and renewable energy
Energy efficiency and renewable energy news
Green Energy News
News on clean, efficient, and renewable energy applications, technologies,
and relevant issues
Home Power Magazine
The Hands-On Journal of Home-Made Power
North American Windpower
Monthly magazine, 100% focused on the fast-growing North American
utility-scale wind energy industry
State Renewable Energy News
Provides information on state-level renewable energy activities
Sustainable Business Insider
Articles and columns from leading sustainable business trade publications
Sustainable Minnesota Newsletter
Minnesotans for an Energy-Efficient Economy.
TRENDS in Renewable Energies
Canadian Association for Renewable Energies newsletter
Wind Engineering Journal
Oldest and most authoritative English language journal devoted entirely to
the technology of wind energy
Wind Power Monthly
The International Journal of Wind Energy Development
WindStats Newsletter
International Wind Energy Publication

General Wind Information
Appalachian Mountain Club's
General Policy on Windpower
Center for Renewable Energy and Sustainable Technology (CREST)
Wind Energy Information
Database of State Incentives for Renewable Energy (DSIRE)
Comprehensive source of information on state, local, utility, and selected
federal incentives that promote renewable energy
Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Network
EREN List of Wind Energy Sites
Green Power Network
U.S DOE Site
National Wind Technology Center
NREL Operation
National Wind Technology Center
Avian Literature Database
Offshore Wind Power Article
Law Offices of Carolyn Elefant
Pacific Northwest Laboratory
Wind Energy Resource Atlas of the U.S.
Renewable Energy Analytic Studies Network (REASN)
One-stop-shop for reports, tools, and data related to financial and policy
Renewable Energy Atlas of the West
Covers wind, solar, biomass and geothermal resources in the 11-state western
Renewable Energy: The Infinite Power of Texas
Sponsored by the Texas General Services Commission's State Energy
Conservation Office
Renewables for Sustainable Village Power
NREL International Wind Resources
Sandia National Laboratory
Wind Information Site
Surviving Disaster with Renewable Energy
NREL site for how to use Wind Power in disasters
Union of Concerned Scientists
Buy Green Power Page
University of Montana Distributed Wind Generation
Montana Organization for Research in Energy
Wind Energy Resource Atlas of the United States
NREL Wind Data
Wind Learning Center
Franklin Institute Science Museum
Wind Power Maps
NWSEED Northwest Wind Mapping Project
Wind Energy Fact Sheets
AWEA Wind Energy Fact Sheets
AWEA information
Energy Fact Sheet Wind Energy
Energy Educators of Ontario
NWCC Wind Energy Issue Papers
NWCC Fact Sheets
Small Wind Energy Systems for the Homeowner
EREN Consumer Fact Sheet
Siting/Permitting Publications

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