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I came across this Link, when searching about what I'm talking about

I'm trying to find out if it is feasible to build a SIMPLE Solar
Electrical Generator like the one at

I also came across this site
in which the suns heat is used to boil a refrigerant (ammonia) ...
the steam is condensed, through a water bath and when night comes the
ammonia travels back up to the Solar Trough - the point is THIS, when
the Ammonia Boils and is travelling along towards the Condenser
(water bath) wouldn't it be very easy to fit a SIMPLE Tesla Turbine
to generate electricity???

 I started looking into this a few days ago, after watching a
presentation given by Prof. John Hait, who invented a non-electric
method of storing the suns heat during the summer in insulated soil
(layers of plastic sheet and insulation) by only using convection ...
at the end of his presentation, he mentions in passing that IF a
Solar Concentrator was used (parabolic mirror / solar trough) then
the heat stored in the soil could be increased much MUCH higher ...
above 100c (this presumably would have to be done with a VERY heavily
insulated and waterproofed mound of earth) he then mentions it would
be feasible to use this stored heat to generate electricity when
needed. Prof. Hait's method was to store the heat for when you needed
the electricity, the above method in the link originally provided by
lwright_1968, doesn't store the heat, but uses it straight away to
generate electricity ... which would then be stored (in a battery)
for later use.

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