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I should have done part of this right of the bat, but got caught up
reading and responding to specific things... lol

Here's the situation.

We just bought 40 acres (1/4 mile square) in an out of the way area in
Northern Ontario. It used to be a hippy homestead but ended up just
being a country home until 5 or 6 years ago at which time it was left

In terms of country living, I don't have any issues, I grew up in the
country and have owned a couple of country homes during the last decade.

With winter not to far off, we aren't planning on getting a lot done
this year, beyond getting it comfortable to live there and planning
for spring.

In general terms, I can say that we will start with chickens (layers
and broilers), goats, pigs, rabbits and worms and add in a couple of
jerseys and perhaps some horses later on. We will also likely end up
with some animals of opportunity along the way. Over the years I have
raised all these animals plus Emus and Sheep. Things we don't have any
experience with but are planning on starting to get some are bees,
turkeys (maybe, I really dislike them), ducks, geese, and pretty much
anything else that works into a complete plan.

What I am hoping to find is some active partners in planning it out in
order to avoid confusion that could have been avoided with specific
fore thoughts.

If you have Google Sketch up, you can see a basic layout of the
property here;
Google Sketchup is free to download from;

All new permanent buildings we build will have rammed earth tires for
foundations with structural strawbale walls and in most cases will
have green roofs.

It doesn't show on the layout yet, but the property is covered in 50
year + forest growth.

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