What an interesting question!
Well lets’ tackle the Graphic Designers tools of the trade...
My experience of Graphic Design comes from finishing school and starting my 'Jacob Kramer' Graphic Design course in Leeds West Yorkshire some 15 years ago now......
1. Use only 100% recycled paper products to produce draft sketches and concepts.
2. Use low powered PC's for designing on
3. Use Emails to send 'Proof Drawings' to clients not hard copies.
4. What about using Charcoal based products for sketching in lieu of Lead pencils.
5. Meet clients in virtual meetings via the internet, why travel 200 miles burning fossil fuels to discuss a project for 5 minutes?
6. Try and encourage the use of hybrid fleet vehicles (50-90 MPG)
7. Employ a 100% sustainable PC setup in the office which obtains all of it's power needs from the wind and sun ( I can actually offer this service if needed)8. Look at the office lighting and see if alternative types can be used in the workplace i.e. Skyport Lighting, LED Task lighting at the designers desks.
Green / Eco is all the buzz right now so why not encourage them to jump on the band wagon and use the emerging technologies to their advantage?
Good luck Andy MahoneyOff-Grid Power & Heating Installer
http://mocoloco.com/archives/001008.php - Skyport Lights
http://www.hybridsynergydrive.com/ - Toyota Hybrid Car
http://www.ideasbynet.com/promotional_ec... - Eco Pens and Pencils
http://www.HomeBrewPower.co.uk/ - Sustainable Energy Installations
Kind regards
Andy Mahoney
Home Brew Power
Off-Grid Power Installer - UK)
http://www.homebrewpower.co.ukMobile: 07504 50 50 89
HomeBrewPower Yahoo Group On Carbon Neutral Power
Labels: Wind Turbine