Do you have any of the following at home or at work?
(Looking for both Grid-Tied or Off-Grid - large & small installations)
1. Solar Panel (PV) Installation?
2. Solar Hot Water Installation?
3. Wind Turbine Installation?
4. Diesel Genset Running On WVO or SVO (Waste Vegetable Oil / Straight Vegetable Oil)?
5. CHP or Micro CHP / CHAP Installation (Combined Heating Power / & Power)
6. Woodstove / Wood Stove Installation?
7. Wood Gas Powered Car / Bus / Van / Truck?
8. Gassifier Installation?
9. Stirling Cycle Engine / Hot Air Engine Producing Electricity?
10. Geo Thermal Heating Installation?
11. Any Other Carbon Neutral Energy Plant?
If so and you would like to tell the world all about your setup then we are looking for you.
We are currently prepared to come and talk to you about your experiences with your Renewable Energy installation and take some pictures then write a FREE review with links to your website / contact details (With your consent)
Our aim is to provide a FREE online Carbon Neutral / Renewable energy database of installations from all over the UK. The database will be available to the world.
NOTE: Homebrewpower's meeting will be completely Non Formal, non pressurised, just myself will attend and you can give as little or as much information as you like.
Please Email us HERE to plan a FREE visit by HomeBrewPower and we will do the rest! Kind regards
Andy Mahoney
Home Brew Power
Off-Grid Power Installer - UK)
Mobile: 07504 50 50 89
HomeBrewPower Yahoo Group On Carbon Neutral Power Labels: Alternative Energy, Alternative Energy Links, Homebrewpower, Renewable Energy, Renewable Energy Database, Wind Turbine