Straw Bales are the Way Forward in Construction A study to research the potential for using straw in construction has led to a coveted Nuffield Farming Scholarship for a woman who firmly believes building with straw bales is the way forward.
Carol Atkinson, who farms with her husband at Howden near Goole, already runs the Straw Bale Cabin, a one-bedroom holiday cottage. A second, larger cottage is currently under construction and is expected to be completed by May this year. |
Labels: Carol Atkinson, House Of Straw, Low Impact Building, Straw Bail, Wind Turbine
Labels: Money Saving, Reduce Bills, Reduce My Bills, Solar Hot Water, Solar Hot Water Installer, Wind Turbine
Labels: Grid Tie, Renewable Energy, Sell Your Own Energy, Solar Panel, Wind Genertor, Wind Turbine
Labels: Carbon Neutral, Planet Earth, Reduce Independence On Fossil Fuels, Renewable Energy, Save The Earth, Wind Turbine
Grid Connected System
The grid-connected system generates and delivers electricity to a homes Alternating Current (AC) system without using batteries. The Solar Array (PV) acts like a power generation plant, supplying electricity to the grid. This is becoming very popular in Spain, as the electricity distribution company will buy the electricity from you for 0.4 Eur/Kwh.
Labels: Grid Connected, Grid Connected System, Grid Tie, Wind Turbine
12V / 220V DC/AC System with Generator
This system provides all the benefits of a combined Direct Current (DC) and Alternating Current (AC) system with the added benefit of a standby generator. This is perfect if you have some high demand appliances or your demand exceeds your solar generation ability. It also provides very good resilience for those cloudy winter days when the solar generation will be reduced.
Labels: Backup Generator, DC AC Backup Generator, Off Grid, Off-Grid, off-grid electricity, Off-Grid Power, Standby Generator, Wind Turbine
Labels: DC To AC Off-Grid, Off Grid, Off Grid Installer, Off-Grid, off-grid electricity, Off-Grid Power, Wind Turbine
220V Alternating Current (AC) System
This system include an inverter. An inverter converts Direct Current (DC) electricity from the Solar (PV) panels or the wind turbine, to Alternating Current (AC) electricty (230V). With the correct size inverter and electricity generation system, you can run any mains electricity appliance.Labels: 230V Off-Grid, 230VAC, Mains Power Off-Grid, Off Grid, Off Grid Installer, Off-Grid, Wind Turbine
12/24V Direct Current (DC) System
The first system is a Direct Current (DC) system that generates 12 or 24 volts only. This type of system is perfect for high efficiency lighting and a surprising number of 12v appliances. Traditionally all mobile homes and caravans operate on 12v electricity. A visit to any caravan outlet will reveal an amazing number of low voltage appliances from televisions to microwave ovens.
Labels: 12V DC System, 24V DC System, Off-Grid, off-grid electricity, Off-Grid Power, Renewable Energy, Wind Turbine
eBay offers a wide variety of features and services that enable members to buy and sell on the site quickly and conveniently. Buyers have the option to purchase items in auction-style format or items can be purchased at fixed price through a feature called Buy-It-Now. In addition, items at fixed price are also available, an eBay company. ebat motor, ebat uk Ebay Online Auction - ebey, ebat, Ebay Online Auction, ebau, rbay, Ebay Online Auction, dbay, sbay, ebzy, ebah, ebaj, People come to the eBay marketplace to buy and sell items across multiple categories, including antiques and art, books, business & industrial, cars & other vehicles, clothing & accessories, coins, collectibles, crafts, dolls & bears, electronics & computers, home furnishings, jewelry & watches, movies & DVDs, music, musical instruments, pottery & glass, real estate, sporting goods & memorabilia, stamps, tickets, toys & hobbies and travel. Ebay Online Auction, webay, rebay, ebay.couk, Ebay Online Auction,, ebay, ebay co,ebai, ebat motor, ebat uk, Ebat UKEbay Online Auction - ebey, ebat, Ebay Online Auction, ebau, rbay, Ebay Online Auction, dbay, sbay, ebzy, ebah, ebaj, People come to the eBay marketplace to buy and sell items across multiple categories, including antiques and art, books, business & industrial, cars & other vehicles, clothing & accessories, coins, collectibles, crafts, dolls & bears, electronics & computers, home furnishings, jewelry & watches, movies & DVDs, music, musical instruments, pottery & glass, real estate, sporting goods & memorabilia, stamps, tickets, toys & hobbies and travel. Ebay Online Auction, webay, rebay, ebay.couk, Ebay Online Auction,, ebay, ebay co,ebai, ebat motor, ebat uk, |
Labels: Ebat, Ebau, Ebay,,, Enay, Evay, Wind Turbine
Labels: Adsense, Adverts, Credit Crunch, Dontations, Google Adsense, PPC, Wind Turbine
In order for the solar water heating system to run safely and efficiently, a range of valves are installed in the heating fluid circuit. A series of temperature sensors are connected to a digital solar controller to switch the system on or off according to the solar energy available.
On days of limited sunlight, solar energy alone may not be sufficient to heat the household's water to a usable temperature. In this case your conventional boiler or your immersion heater (if fitted) can be used to further boost the temperature of the solar heated water.
As with all technologies there are good and not so good solar water heating systems. When choosing a solar water heating system there are a number of points to consider:
The size of the hot water storage cylinder is generally determined by the amount of hot water your household uses in a day.
Typical daily hot water usage:
appliance | volume (litres) | |
standard sized bath | 60 | |
corner bath | 120 | |
shower / power shower | 15-60 | |
washing machine | 50 | |
kitchen sink | 15 | |
bathroom washbasin | 5 |
A new solar hot water storage cylinder is usually fitted in the airing cupboard replacing your existing storage cylinder. If the space around your existing storage cylinder is limited an alternative position or design can normally be agreed.
Allow around one square metre of collector surface area for every 45 - 50 litres of hot water to be stored.
Collectors in the UK work best when facing south and at an angle of around 35 degrees from the horizontal.
A well designed and constructed solar water heating system should provide many years of good service with little maintenance.
Assuming a life span in excess of 20 years, solar water heating offers good value for money when comparing the initial investment to the cost of a household's current heating fuels. The costs of conventional heating may increase over the years as existing oil and gas supplies diminish and 'pollution taxes' are levied.
It is also important to consider the cost of electricity to run the solar heating system (pump, controls etc). For a typical home this is less than £5 per year.
Solar water heating cannot be considered good value if the initial system cost is too expensive. For this reason it is important to shop around for a competitively priced system using high quality components.
Labels: DIY Solar Hot Water Heater, Solar Energy, Solar Heater, Solar Hot Water, Solar Water Heating, Sunshine To Hot Water, Wind Turbine
Labels: Alternative Energy, Low Impact Building, Micro Hydro, Microhydro, Power Generation, Renewable Energy, Wind Turbine
Magenn Power's MARS is a Wind Power Anywhere™ solution with distinct advantages over existing Conventional Wind Turbines and Diesel Generating Systems including: global deployment, lower costs, better operational performance, and greater environmental advantages.
MARS is a lighter-than-air tethered wind turbine that rotates about a horizontal axis in response to wind, generating electrical energy. This electrical energy is transferred down the 1000-foot tether for immediate use, or to a set of batteries for later use, or to the power grid. Helium sustains MARS and allows it to ascend to a higher altitude than traditional wind turbines. MARS captures the energy available in the 600 to 1000-foot low level and nocturnal jet streams that exist almost everywhere. MARS rotation also generates the "Magnus effect" which provides additional lift, keeps the MARS stabilized, and positions it within a very controlled and restricted location to adhere to FAA (Federal Aviation Administration) & Transport Canada guidelines.
The Advantages of MARS over Conventional Wind Turbines: Wind Power Anywhere™ removes all placement limitations. Coast-line or off-shore locations are not necessary to capture higher speed winds. Reaching winds at 1,000-feet above ground level allow MARS to be installed closer to the grid. MARS is mobile and can be rapidly deployed, deflated, and redeployed without the need for towers or heavy cranes. MARS is bird and bat friendly with lower noise emissions and is capable of operating in a wider range of wind speeds - from 4 mph to greater than 60 mph.
The Advantages of a MARS combined Wind and Diesel Solution over a Diesel Generator-only solution: MARS can complement a diesel generator by offering a combined diesel-wind power solution that delivers power below 20 cents per kWh. This compares to a wide range of 25 cents to 99 cents per kWh for diesel-alone, reflecting the high fuel and transportation costs in remote areas. The MARS combined solution allows lower pollution and green house gas emissions. It also results in lower handling, transporting, and storage costs.
MARS Target Markets: Developing nations where infrastructure is limited or non existent; off-grid combined wind and diesel solutions for island nations, farms, remote areas, cell towers, exploration equipment, backup power & water pumps for natural gas mines; rapid deployment diesel & wind solutions (to include airdrop) to disaster areas for power to emergency and medical equipment, water pumps; on-grid applications for farms, factories, remote communities; and wind farm deployments.
Labels: Margenn, MARS Turbine, MARS Wind Turbine, Wind Turbine