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Depends on how hard it is to get up to where they are being installed. If
you have a single story building it is very easy you need a couple of step
ladders, a drill and a bit1/4 inch I think, the gutter and I use the hidden
hangers cause they don't walk out like the spikes do. To figure out the size
hook your tape on the shingles measure to the other end and then add 4
inches so that when you put it up you have two inches past the shingles on
each side. To make the gutter you will buy a piece and cut it to your
measurement sheet metal sheers are better than a hack saw for cutting in my
opinion, you can use rivets but I prefer self tapping screws which should be
in the same section as the gutter, you will need a right and a left end cap
for each gutter you are going to make. Tap the ends on till they are seated
all the way, use three or four self tappers per end and then seal it with
gutter seal (comes in a squeezable tube like tooth paste only a little
bigger) cutting the hole for the downspout is the tricky part if you don't
have a pair of left or right tin snips, once the hole is cut to the right
size from the inside put a small amount of gutter seal around the hole drop
the downspout in and three or four self tappers will hold it in place, you
have to measure for the downspout to make sure it falls where it can be
attached to the house without interfering with any thing all the way to the
ground you will need about three 90's per downspout and two straps to secure
it to the house.


This link may explain it better then I



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