The long awaited Energy White Paper, ‘Meeting the Energy Challenge”, has ushered in a bright future for electricity with detailed proposals pointing to how electric heating and hot water will be integral to reducing carbon emissions and improving energy security.
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The Rt. Hon. Alistair Darling MP, Secretary of State for Trade and Industry, notes in the White paper that “The UK’s reserves of oil and gas are declining” and that “we will become increasingly dependent upon imports in a world where supplies are…in less stable regions. We need to create the right conditions for…investment…in increasingly low carbon electricity”.
Richard Scott, Business Manager at Applied Energy, home of Creda, Xpelair, Redring and Stiebel Eltron in the UK, welcomed the Energy White Paper and supported the call for low carbon homes.“This can be achieved with the most cost effective mix of improved air-tightness and thermal efficiency of buildings, combined with the appropriate use of newer technologies like Mechanical Ventilation with Heat recovery, micro-wind turbines, solar thermal hot water and geothermal heat-pumps”.
“It’s within this context of thermally efficient homes that back-up modern electric heating plays a vital part in many countries around the world – even in eco-friendly villages”.
The White Paper pushes for increased investment in large scale Renewables, clean coal and Nuclear power, all of which produce low carbon electricity.
“The carbon content of gas is fixed. The carbon content of electricity continues to fall – only modern electric appliances can produce zero carbon heat and hot water from zero carbon electricity – it’s the only truly sustainable fuel source”, says Mr Scott.Specific announcements within the White Paper included:
1. Easier planning permission for solar, wind and heat-pumps from Autumn this year
2. Encouraging the development of more low carbon electricity through the EU Energy Trading Scheme
3. A legally binding commitment to reduce carbon emissions in electricity, as per the Climate Change Bill
4. Strengthening the Renewables Obligation for Energy Companies – encouraging centrally generated zero carbon electricity
5. Projects to develop 90% cleaner coal through carbon capture and storage; used to produce low carbon electricity
6. A major consultation on nuclear power to produce very low carbon electricity. Passive-safe nuclear reactors produce only 10% of the waste of previous power stations and have a 100% safety record
The White paper reported that 56% of the world’s gas reserves are in just three countries Russia, Iran and Qatar. In just 2 ½ years time 33% of the UK’s gas will need to be imported and by 2020 this will be 80%. “Unless we diversify our mix of energy sources we will be at the mercy of these countries; paying their price for dwindling supplies of a fossil fuel which cannot be made any more carbon efficient and is found in places difficult to reach and politically unstable”.
Applied Energy confirmed that moves are now underway to ensure the projected carbon savings from low carbon electricity are connected to the building regulations Part L and SAP.
“The bright future for electric heating that this White Paper heralds can be seen in the specification of electric heating by allowing SAP to reference the projected carbon reductions it illustrates. A ‘carbon milestones’ table already has the backing of many MP’s to ensure we make best use of the low carbon electricity of the future”
Labels: Creda Heating, Eco Village, Energy Challenge, Energy White Paper, Low Carbon Electricity