February 2007 Homebrewpower Mag Out Now - £2.00 Instant Download

http://tinyurl.com/3x7qu6I am very pleased to announce that the February edition of Homebrewpower Magazine is now out.
It is a brand new monthly publication. If it reaches 2000 purchases then it will become my full time job and will give me the opportunity to bring you the latest news on Eco & Sustainable energy from the UK and around the world.
Please help me make this happen. I need interest from around the globe, I call on advertisers, sponsors, people & groups to purchase this months magazine.
If this works out I will be able to develop my hobby and magazine all year round and bring you the information you want each and every month. I have spent a full month every evening designing, writing, changing & researching Homebrewpower mag and hope this is a taster of things to come.
The more who purchase Homebrewpower Mag the bigger and better it will get.
Homebrewpower will bring you future info on the following.
M CHP Micro Combined Heating & Power Installation and systems (CHAP)
Solar PV
Solar Thermal
Alternative Energy
Hydro Power
Geo Thermal
Wind Turbine Installations
DIY Projects
Technical Advise
Case Studies
UK Reports
Site Visits
On Test This Month
Startling Photography and Graphics
In The News
Plus Much Much More............
My future is in your hands.
Owner & Publisher Of Homebrewpower
Andy Mahoney
Labels: Electrical, Electrician, Heat Exchanger, Magazine, Monthly Mag, Solar Installer, Solar Water Heating, Sustainable Energy, Sustainable Living, Water Heating